Whereas Project Management emphases mostly the content of a project (who will do what in how much time and by when), we think it’s fair to say that, in order to reach the end successfully, we need to cover also the human aspects of working on. Building a highly performing and successful team starts long before the planning of the content of a project. There are several personal and team “preparation” steps to get everyone together as a team ready to act and perform. Now it may seem a longer process, the more attention the team and each individual gets, the higher the chance of hit the target faster, with a greater motivation and with a higher success rate.
For ordering our workshop on “High performing teams”, your goal is:

  • To understand and experience the steps of team development
  • To accept personal responsibility within the team
  • To build trust between the team members
  • To get a clear shared vision and goal setting
  • To get commitment from each team member



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