AQIS, your partner to excel performance

People Performance

Our People Performance Solutions provide awareness and tools to professional managers and their teams. We are experts at getting the best possible performance out of people in their organization. Our main purpose is to get lasting change through continuous implementation and improving practice @ work.

Leadership and Sales Academy

AQIS offers Crestcom’s award winning and accredited Bullet Proof Manager® (BPM) Program and CrestcomSales Academy(CSA). Crestcom’s live or virtual facilitated leadership training and development programs adapt to your ever changing business environment to ensure leaders develop the skills they need to lead effective, productive teams. Learn more at

Become more valuable

We develop people, through coaching sessions, training, workshops & conferences. Our purpose is adding value to you, so you can do the same in your environment.

IT Quality Improvement

Can you gain time and improve your customer experience? Be “faster” than the competition! Excel IT Performance and therefor People Performance?
AQIS offers you + 20 years of experience in Software Functional & Performance Testing, Monitoring & Security.

Check our current Projects! Increasing our customers performance!

Your needs matter to AQIS! We will assist & help you with your performance requests either of Human or IT nature!

  • Growth to Leadership
  • Personal growth
  • IT Performance Testing
  • Cloud Testing
  • Building a performing and highly effective team
  • Growth in interpersonal communication
  • How to improve your customer loyalty rate
  • How to be great and greater in Sales
  • IT Security
  • Knowledge Transfer
  • IT Performance Testing Training
  • Test Management
  • AQIS, guides customers to the performance level they vision

    Core values 570x

    Our Values

    • Respect
    • Integrity
    • Flexibility
    • Solution Minded
    • Responsibility
    • Accountability
    • Honesty
    • Loyalty
    • Trust

    AQIS helps you to raise the bar in your performance

    Members of AQIS are loyal partners to their customers.

    Each of them has gained, through the years, a high level of expertise, using it in order to serve in the best possible way. Thinking in the best interest of the customer, our main concern is “what can be done to help this client to move forward”?

    Our projects are no single events, but processes in which the client is guided toward a higher performance level. We take our responsibility during the whole process very serious and adapt easily when needed.

    For AQIS, results are more important than effort.


    AQIS helps you to become better. Through our expertise and by developing a trustful relationship, we put our valued customer first.

    The main goal of our work is to raise the performance of our customers, whether it is in people or in IT system performance.

    Our main focus is on IT system performance and people performance. When you win in these areas, through our help, we win as well.

    Learn More


  • Tip voor meer rust in je hoofd
  • Waarom de woorden van een leidinggevende van ondergeschikt belang zijn
  • Belgium Testing Days
  • 13 Women of Influence